Two months after its launch, in April 1975, the Ontario lottery presented to the world its very own first ever lottery game, WINTARIO, and it was decided that the benefits and proceeds obtained from this game would be dedicated to the Ministry of Culture and Recreation in order to promote sports, physical fitness, recreational and cultural activities. Summary of winning numbers dataīrought to the world in February 1975 by the Ontario Provincial Government, the Ontario lottery, or ON lottery as it is sometimes referred to by most people, easily become one of the most well-known and most influential lotteries in the world. Our page also has a tool to search for winningįor in-depth analysis and other resources of the game winning The winning numbers history is provided and its FREE. Here, you can find the Past Winning Numbers, statistics, and Leaf can relatively give you an advantage on your lottery stakes. Win a big prize in the lottery is actually really small but Lottery Lottery results have never been this accurate! Yes, your odds to Picking a winning combination, the Pattern Prediction of Lottery If you are having a hard time to guess and test your luck in Lottery! We are providing the largest data collection that includes Your chances of winning the perfect combination in Lottery Leaf now offers an effective solution for you to increase